Tuesday 26 December 2006

The Unfamous Five spend Christmas with family.

Not sure what happened to the last 4 days really. We seem to have been incredibly busy and then we had wigilia and Christmas Day, so here's an attempted update on all our activities.

On the 23rd we spent a rather dull time on a train from Krakow to Lodz. We had been looking forward to the travel 'cos we love train travel. But... the best aid plans. I think the train was on a pre Christmas go-slow! The trip should have taken about 4 hours, from 07.43 (such precision!) to 12.08 (ditto). Yes, we had the train which went slower and slower then stopped in the middle of fields and finally was over an hour late due to a broken rail. Ironically this was just outside Lodz! In addition there was NO buffet car or even a trolley so if David hadn't made some sandwiches then we would have been forced into cannibalism!

Anyway we finally got off the train and staggered under the weight of cases, bags and accumulated junk to the taxi rank. [There is a law which states "All luggage taken on holiday will, by its own method expand by at least 50% for each day travelled" The second law states "People called Chris will collect souvenirs such as tickets and these will occupy a disproportionate amount of space in luggage"]

Thanks to Andzrej and Kasia for coming to meet us! It was great to see them and in addition it helped immensely and we got into our hotel 'Qubus" with much less effort then we anticipated.

Travellers' note: the hotel is split new with very comfortable rooms - but is mainly for single businessmen. However, it is only 10 minutes walk from Galeria and from ul. Piotrowska, a very attractive street to walk along.

Lodz itself is not an attractive city but with investment has promise (NO! I'm not an estate agent!!) For more info see the website. Anyway, we had a wander, did some shopping and then finally found a decent restaurant in which to indulge our hunger!


So, we come to wigilia!!!! 24/12. WE started our day very slowly and since all shops were shut here a[art from Galeria, we simply strolled along. After a snack we went back to the hotel to wrap presents, and then got organised for the evening.

Our warm thanks to Agnieska and Ludek (sorry if that's wrong!!!) for the best ever wigilia! Sitting around the table there were 11 of us. I had been brought up with the custom of laying the extra place at the table in case someone came - in fact my father told me it was also to represent the Christ Child - and there it was.

We had the traditional 12 dishes which were just amazing. I'm not sure which I liked best - too difficult. We had not eaten Karp before and it is actually very tasty - but beware the bones!! Cakes with poppy seeds, herrings, pierogi, the tastiest mushrooms from the fields, fruit compote from home grown fruit at the family farm.... and lovely biscuits baked by Agatka (aged 7).
Overall our hosts could not have done more to make us welcome - there's no doubt that this is a time for family and mine is amazing.

But wait! What was that? Did we hear bells ringing? Sleigh bells? Wow! Mikolaj! Santa Claus!! He does exist! Santa came and delivered presents to all of us. Now that was something we were not expecting. I'll even forgive him for trying to give away my gloves which had somehow ended up in his sack!! After all, he has a very busy and tiring time on wigilia.

After a wonderful evening we went to Andrzej and Czesia's house for a drink. There we had a hilarious time with our beginner Polish - but ay least this year we do have some language! And A. very kindly drew a map for us to get to Uniejow for Christmas Day.

And so to bed at about 01.00!

Christmas Day....

WE had to be at the cemetery for 10.30 so it was a rather early start! The roads were empty and our hire car, Opel went smoothly. We visited the family graves to show the boys another part of their heritage. It is very important that they see where they come from.

But after that it was on to Zosia's house for obiad (11.30). It was wonderful to see Zosia and family again and we managed to understand so much more of what was said this year. Our thanks also to Anja who came to act as interpreter. Just like last year, my cousin Zosia and all her family offered us the most amazing dishes, including home made hams and kielbasa form the family pigs and chicken and ...and.... And the wodka simply flowed................. Markus, Will and Alisa were welcomed and Alisa was able to use her Russian skills just like wigilia. Then obiad simply flowed into kolatsja, so more food and drink.

The lads were invited to a party by the men of the house (ahem!) but we had to move on as we wanted to see my late cousin Bogdan's family. So at about 5.30pm we were off to Krystyna's house where we met Adam, Eva, Amelia; and Anna,as well renewing acquaintance with Agnieska (diff. one) and her parents. It was sad that Bogdan was not with us but he was there in spirit. We have been offered the chance to spend time staying in the village to earn Polish so who knows....

But we were not finished at all. We still had one place to go - to Wojtek's family. It as not about 7.30pm. Another short drive and we had no chance of leaving without eating some of Wojtek's home made kielbasa - simple delicious. Woolies and Coles - eat your heart out! By this time we were simply full to the brim but could not resist just a smackeral as Winnie the Pooh might say. So much food and so little time!! Wojtek has 3 daughters - my sincere apologies for no names here!! All speak excellent English and a fair to large bit of Russian. What a wonderful ending to the day.

So when did we get back to the hotel? Well, about 11.00pm! What an amazing day! No pics as yet but hope to get some on here soon!

It's not possible to thank my family enough as words cannot explain our gratitude. The best present this year has been just to be with all my family- something that we will never forget.

"Bardzo dzenkuje".

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