Tuesday 9 January 2007

Belated New year

This is what happens when the hotel you are in can't provide a reliable internet service! You end up being days late in blogging!

We went to Poznan for the last 5 days and had a ball! It is a lovely city and we saw heaps of things. Heartfelt thanks to Agnieska for being the best tourist guide Poznan ever had! We saw the city at night, had fantastic food as ever, and enjoyed all the history again.

New Year's Eve is taken seriously here. Heaps of fireworks on sale and cheeky kids letting them off in alleys and the square! As that day went on we began to think we were in a mini war zone with all the loud explosions - quite took us back to our days in Germany! It was a pleasure to be in a place that didn't nanny people -they are still allowed to be responsible for their own actions here - hurrah!!

The noise reached an amazing crescendo as midnight arrived and the whole city was lit up with the light. Brilliant. Meanwhile we were lulled to sleep by the crashes and shouts of local revellers.

January 1st 2007

On New Year's Day we walked to the Citadel. This is a park, once an old military area, which was totally occupied by the German army in WW2, and the whole area is covered with tunnels, bunkers and old militray 'stuff'. It is now a wonderful park with heaps of paths and lots to see, including a Commonwealth cemetery. We walked around it for ages.

One or two restaurants were open so we had obiad and then went back to the hotel to shower and get ready to go out. Our last night in Poland! Very sad but in the end it was wonderful. We had been invited to A's apartment and we had the best 'last night of the hols' possible. And somehow we managed to have a touch too much wodka - well....... it was purely to drown our sorrows at leaving!

Finally....the 2nd January 2007 and off we went on the fast express train to Warsaw and then to the airport and off.........................
Next and last blog will give you a summary of travel tips and comments; and more pics since the program won't let me do that this time.

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